Trends in SMS and messaging

The text message celebrated its twenty secondth birthday previous year. Few applications in the fast moving world of mobile communications can boast such remarkable long life. At this milestone era, the time has come to replicate on the impact of short message service (SMS) and what the future holds for consumers and operators, mutually. SMS … Continue reading Trends in SMS and messaging
June 2, 2015
Top ten best practices for mobile marketing

The age of mobile access has arrived! We live a mobile way of life. This existence has been fueled by a near omnipresent penetration and by new messaging, usage and functional applications. You can’t run away from it. Mobile devices are no longer just smart phones; they are also your tablet, used to fire up … Continue reading Top ten best practices for mobile marketing
June 2, 2015
Top 10 uses of QR codes for 2015

A QR code is one of the simplest codes to set up; in a nutshell it is a barcode with a URL attached. The QR code can link to any page the owner specifies, saving the requirement for manual entry of a URL. Some brands have already started using QR codes in their editorials and … Continue reading Top 10 uses of QR codes for 2015
June 2, 2015
Top 10 mobile web trends for 2015

With the dawn of New Year is the time when even the trends in websites should evolve; out with the old and in with the new in the year 2015. Luckily for businessmen, much of the “old” website trends will be carried on into 2015, but there will be new trends to keep them vigilant … Continue reading Top 10 mobile web trends for 2015
June 2, 2015
Text Messaging Services for Organizations

Organizations require interacting directly with their team and members. Even more so, synchronizing schedules despite the fact that everyone is on the run. Many non-profits, government, political, religious and entertaining organizations have found great benefits using Onsms services. If you’re answerable for facilitating communications amongst the members of a non-profit or community based organization you … Continue reading Text Messaging Services for Organizations
June 2, 2015
Text Messaging Services For government

SMS Marketing has developed a scheme for political parties and candidates to set up contact with their potential young voters, using technology that they are at ease with, to build a connection. One but has to look at the 2008 campaign to see how dramatic of a role SMS played in the Obama campaign. … Continue reading Text Messaging Services For government
June 2, 2015
Text Messaging Service for Schools

The vast majority of parents and kids now carry mobile phones. This means text messaging can offer schools and colleges with an instantaneous, reliable and lucrative method for contacting parents and students straight away. Schools can now use the power of mobile messaging to contact parents and students to share information in an extremely time … Continue reading Text Messaging Service for Schools
June 2, 2015
Text Messaging for Entertainment

In today’s extremely aggressive entertainment and media landscape, where publishers are fighting for a share of notice and profits, it’s more imperative than ever to find new and interactive ways to connect to and entertain your audience. Mobile marketing lets you reach a targeted audience and has a response rate that is more or less … Continue reading Text Messaging for Entertainment
June 2, 2015
Text Messaging for Ad Agencies

This generation of technology obsessed customers demands more than an email, and businesses who sell to that audience can leverage the latest in new media to accelerate business growth. Go far beyond email and mobile marketing and start using the latest in communications, online publishing, and social media. Stay in constant contact with your opt-in … Continue reading Text Messaging for Ad Agencies
June 2, 2015
Text Message Marketing For Retail

As consumers become more and more aware, it’s important that you reach out to them in the way they correspond. Mobile marketing in the form of text messaging; it is one of the most efficient tools at your disposal. So, what is mobile marketing for retail? It is an advanced marketing strategy that literally puts … Continue reading Text Message Marketing For Retail
June 2, 2015
Text Message Marketing For Real Estate
It’s happened to every house hunter: They come to see a ‘For Sale’ sign; they wish for information. No one answers the phone number on the sign. The flyer box is clear. They walk away. There has to be a better way, and now there is. Our SMS marketing platform lets house hunters to apply … Continue reading Text Message Marketing For Real Estate
June 2, 2015
Text Message Marketing For Bars & Nightclubs
OnSmS text messaging solution will take your nightlife advertisings to the next level. Email transformed the way the nightlife industry communicated with their clients. Text messaging marketing has by now significantly increased revenues for thousands of our clients. In difficult economic times like now, we are familiar with just how far you need to stretch … Continue reading Text Message Marketing For Bars & Nightclubs
June 2, 2015
SMS Marketing Resources
If you are new to the concept of SMS marketing, then you have come to the right place because we have helped a lot of people get started. Our team of experts can be very helpful, for they are pros at creating messaging marketing campaigns for different organizations. You must be wondering what SMS marketing … Continue reading SMS Marketing Resources
June 2, 2015
SMS for Email Capture
Nearly every one of us keeps our mobile phones within arm’s reach and check new messages within minutes. Which is why SMS marketing is now all the rage for marketers to connect with customers. But have you ever thought of how SMS can support your other communication media, like email? Web forms are a great … Continue reading SMS for Email Capture
June 2, 2015
Shared Short Code VS. Dedicated Short Code
When beginning with the mobile coding, it’s essential to sustain control over your mobile distinctiveness – in the present day that begins with owning a short code or your mobile marketing address. A Common Short Code (CSC) can either be committed to your brand name/project or it can be shared among various brand campaigns and … Continue reading Shared Short Code VS. Dedicated Short Code
June 2, 2015
Recruiting and Staffing Mobile Solutions
How does your career site look on a mobile device? Chances are, not very fine. OnSmS makes certain of any possible candidate with a mobile web browser can view your jobs in any of the thousands of mobile formats and easily apply for them via your applicant tracking solution when they get to their desktop. … Continue reading Recruiting and Staffing Mobile Solutions
June 2, 2015
Mobile Marketing for Salon and Beauty Spa Businesses
Text messaging is one of the most successful ways of communicating with busy people. A short and direct message takes seconds to read and can generate a reply just as promptly, while traditional means of marketing communications; emails and newspaper advertising, even a telephone campaign, takes time to organize and can be expensive too. An … Continue reading Mobile Marketing for Salon and Beauty Spa Businesses
June 2, 2015
Mobile Marketing for Restaurants
It’s a slow night at the café. Not a lot of reservations and you have to fill some seats. What if you could instantaneously send out a message to a few hundred of your customers with a 2-for-1 coupon or special? Customers all over town get your message just about when they were starting to … Continue reading Mobile Marketing for Restaurants
June 2, 2015
How to Launch a Successful Text Campaign
SMS campaigns are independent campaigns that have a start and end on specific dates and have very precise aims. Sending out bulk text messages to people, having hopes that your business will pick up, is not very tactful for any business, but if you want better results then you should start a proper messaging campaign. … Continue reading How to Launch a Successful Text Campaign
June 2, 2015
How to Integrate Text Messaging into Your Advertising
What will the evolution and acceptance of mobile communication’s impact be on your marketing plan? The answer depends on your capability to successfully integrate mobile into the marketing mix by controlling the right mobile channel and offering a gripping mobile marketing message. Mobile marketing is in its early years, so it can be best used … Continue reading How to Integrate Text Messaging into Your Advertising
June 2, 2015
10 Best Practices for SMS Campaigns

Businesses are adding text messaging to the marketing mix without taking proper contemplation of all the factors that can make or break the attempt for successful marketing. As text is still thought to be a personal form of communication, so the possibility of being seen as an uninvited spammer is very high, which is why … Continue reading 10 Best Practices for SMS Campaigns
June 2, 2015